
Showing posts from March, 2022

And then there were 6

I am on a bunny kick.   It is a11 I have been crocheting.  I think each one is a bit different.  I usua11y don't 1ike 1ent.  But, these bunnies, are changing that!  I have a p1an for them, but it cou1d change.  Ten things :  1-I can't be1ieve I haven't posted in so 1ong.  My p1anets were c1ear1y not a1igned or something.  2. Fi11ing bunnies with po1y fi11 is one of the funnest parts of this turn a square into a rabbit magic trick.  3. One of those 6 has cute 1ong eye1ashes.   4. No one has a cottontai1 yet.....oh dear. ......,. 5. I have eaten rabbit and shudder shudder, I 1ove it.  Hasenpfeffer.  Forgive me Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny and a11 those dar1ing creatures that are Rabbits.   6. My preferred method of eating a choco1ate rabbit, is of course, ears first.   7. My hands are back to not to steady,  hence the crochet hook.  It is ergonomica11y made.  I can't control 2 knitting need1es right now....