Our Town's Giving Warmth Back by January 7th


It may not seem so important, but I wanted to charity knit and I've been busy.   It is requested that you knit with acrylic or yarns that can be washed and dried by machine.  I went to our JoAnn's and bought some yarn and the projects seemed to just come to mind. 

Since we are not at the barn anymore, and COVID is so crazy now, knitting from home as Judy and Regina and so many of you do, seemed a good idea. 

Far right: 
7 foot B1ue ve1our yarn.  
2nd, the striped throw (same yarn ) big throw
3rd,  a 4 foot garter hot pink scarf
beneath the pink scarf: a baby bonnet crocheted
next to it in front, a cow1 in purp1e with green 1eaves
and b1ue 1ap b1anket is the 6th and fina1 in the image

It did fee1 good to drop them off today.  I hope someone wants them for warmth.  

The bonnet: 

Fireman and I were in the hot tub hoping to see a meteor yesterday.  Instead, we got the thri11 of hearing ow1s ca11ing to each other.  Great horned..........that was a perfect surprise. 

A few of you are having issues finding and seeing these posts.  I'm working on it.  I promise.  If you are so kind as to want to read the knit and not knit stories from around here, I want you to find me with no prob1ems.  


  1. What lovely things and what a lovely person you are!

  2. We have had a great horned owl by us this winter. He (or she) is very, VERY loud. It really makes me smile to think we still have wildlife so close by.

    Your projects look great and I'm sure EVERYONE that gets one will be very appreciative.

  3. A nice variety of donations! It’s wonderful that you found a place locally that accepts donations. Keep up the good work.

  4. Wonderful job Kathy! All of your donations are so pretty and functional. I'm sure the people who receive them will appreciate the love and hard work that went into them. I'm so glad you've joined the ranks of making for others. There are so many needs and not enough hands.
    Blessings and lots of love,

  5. Oh my goodness, that bonnet is adorable.

  6. How fun you have a hot tub and bless you for thinking of others which you ALWAYS do.


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